Why you need to raise your prices NOW!
Why you need to raise your prices NOW!
Growth happens outside your comfort zone and now it’s time for you to grow that Dynasty you have built. Can I ask you when was last time you raised your prices? 1 year ago? 2 years ago? Never done it? Well, as that badass leader you are, you know that it’s time to raise you prices now. The more money you make, the bigger impact you will have and the more people you can help. Why you need to raise your prices NOW!
In the beginning when I was first starting out I was so afraid to set a price on my services that was to high. Nowadays I have no problem with charging more. And my prices raises as often that I feel like it. I know that there is enough clients out there that want to work with me, get my help to build their own dynasty and the more money I make the more people I can help. It is a snowball effect. Abundance and money is there for you too.
The thing I have found is that it’s much easier to sell high end then low end. Maybe you want to have your own coaching business and think that there is enough coaches out there, then you are wrong. The world is missing you and will always be missing you. As long as you have a desire, go for it. I was thinking the same, but I see that we need you. We need lightworkers like you that can spread the light where there is darkness and heal and help and empower. You are needed!
Why you need to raise your prices NOW! Well, You need to if you haven’t done it in a while. Maybe what you need is to tune within and ask “what services am I going to provide for my wonderful clients this month?” and “how can I empower them more to see that they are unstoppable and have greatness in them?”.
Women must learn from men and don’t get so attached to the money stuff. Men would never second guess the price. Just raise your prices TODAY and stick with it. It will be a good training for you to see how you feel inside when you have done it. Most women need to grow on this, they need to feel sure that it’s the right thing. I say put emotion aside and show us that you are a badass.
After all this is your chance to grow in business, to get an bigger impact and it’s just money. Get it? More where it comes from and more to make and use, save and earn.
Take action towards it today or stay in the safe lane where no growth is happening.
PS: Have you been longing to start you own business or scale your business up and make more money, a bigger impact? Message me on how I can help you as your mentor.