If you have a dream that you want to follow then let me ask you this questions. Are you willing to do the work?
Meaning, show up for yourself, take time for your dreams and do it regardless on your fears?
I was willing. I am still willing. I will not stop doing the work.
By work I mean dare to tap into your core feeling on what you are here on earth to do. You are here on purpose, you are not just here to make money and slave for the man.
You are here as a soul who wants to expand as much as possible. Don’t you think that it’s time to follow that nudge you have? Listen to your calling and just jump into the cold water?
Let me tell you one thing. It’s not that scary actually.
They will not hate you.
You will not die.
They will not laugh at you.
And if you are so afraid of what “they” are saying then you need to tell me who “they” are?
Put a face on your fears and name it.
Is it your mother, father, co-workers, husband, kids that are holding you back? Who is it?
Or let me be honest, is it because you are not willing to do the work that comes with following your dream?
If it was that simple, everyone would do it. Everyone would have their own business. It’s not simple.
It’s work.
You have to be the one that are still going strong when no one else believes in you.
You have to do the work when all your friends ignore your post on Facebook and don’t support you.
You have to pick yourself up after a launched failed.
This is what you have to do over and over.
It’s not a walk in the park.
I call it life. I call it my souls work.
If I die today I will die happy. I did it.
I have done it all.
I’m a fashion blogger, stylist, mentor, coach women all around the world, run VIP days from nice locations like London, Paris, Firenze and Rome. I am an author, have my own magazine, make new online course every week.
Do you think all of this happened while I was sitting in my sofa and thought about it, dreaming about it?
It took work.
So I have to ask you. Are you willing to make space for your dreams or will it pass another day by while you are just thinking about it?
If you can’t show up for yourself then you got a problem. Don’t call this a dream, call it a mission. A mission that is not impossible.
Climb the mountain and have fun while doing so.
I promise you that it is worth it.
PS. OMG. Super excited that my Create Art From Your Heart Workshop is back.
Are you an entrepreneur and wants to get your art out of you soul and heart, but can’t seem to make it happen? Do you have endless ideas but don’t know hot to launch them? Do you launch something once in a while and then you run out of money?
You need to launch more, often and from flow. Let yourself be unique and sell what you feel called to.
Are you longing for your creativity to flow? To make money on your writing, painting, your blogging and your services? I believe that what’s inside you is art. Let me teach you how it’s done. Sign up now before the earlybird price and bonus is gone. Get it here.