I hate slow people!
They are everywhere. Slow people. They move so fucking slow that they could move in with the elderly people.
I wonder if I ever will be that slow when I grow old? I might. Hopefully not.
It blows my mind that people are so slow and think that their dreams will happen out of the blue. That they can just lay on the sofa and manifest a wonderful life.
When will it ever be time to slow down? Never. You are here on earth to expand. Your soul wants it. You that human being are so afraid to follow your dreams that you have already signed off from this expansion.
You are happy about where you are today. Happy that things move so slow. It’s like you think you live forever. You will not! (sorry to break it to you).
So when will you move a little bit faster? We are not talking super speed, I understand that it’s too much, but how about a tiny little bit faster?
With your dreams, with your launches, with you taking action on those things you say matters?
It’s only your life, right, and I hope that matters to you.
That dream you have right now to go all in and start a biz, follow your passion and make shit happen, it’s there for a reason.
You can always go back to a crappy job if you quit right now, you will never get that life back you are living right now.
Don’t take your health or your life for granted.
All you got is now. This moment is precious.
That’s why I hate slow people. I know they got it too.
A fire in their heart. I can see it. They move slow because they think got all their life to do something about it.
Don’t be like that. Live for the moment. Live now.
PS. Organized Biz Queen is here!!! This is for women who wants to get organized in their biz while living a life with kids, partner and obligations hanging over. It’s for women who are ready to own their throne and ready to move faster in their biz and ready to make their dreams come true. Sign up now to get my super exclusive bonus!!! Sign up here.