How to start to think BIGGER and believe you can achieve your vision!

Camilla Kristiansen
3 min readAug 6, 2018


How to start to think BIGGER and believe you can achieve your vision!

Hi lovely!

Are you feeling the nudge? The one telling you it’s time to do something different with your life, something bigger?

To get out of the same old comfort zone … and take that leap?

To create something big and meaningful or start working on leaving a legacy?

(Or maybe it’s not a nudge anymore but a full blown scream!)

Do you have a vocational project burning in your heart, like an amazing book to publish or an art show to create… or have you deeply wanted to start your own business and be “seen” with your mission out in the world…

Whether it’s leaving a job that you know is not working, ending paycheck to paycheck living… or fully stepping into your purpose and taking your seat in God’s plan for you…

…It’s EXCITING, isn’t it!?

But, it’s scary, too.

What if you fail? What if you succeed? What if you lose everything you’ve worked so hard for?

I get it. I’ve been there, too. It IS scary to think about taking that leap into your heart’s calling and leave the status quo.

But, what if it doesn’t have to be? What if you could make a change clearly, joyfully and confidently… with a step by step plan for your transition?


Then I’d like to invite you to a FREE online event that my friend and colleague Britta Aragon is hosting called: Detox Your Life Career Edition: How to Discover Your Dream Career and Make it Happen!

Learn more right here.

I’m one of 28 speakers, and here’s where you can grab your virtual seat:

Get Free VIP access to Detox Your Life Career Edition.”

Look, I can tell you from personal experience that trying to ignore that nudge, or push it down, or reason with it, or explain why this is “really not a good time” — is not going to work. It’s just going to grow and grow and grow inside you until you finally have no choice but pay attention to it.

(And you may not always like how that ends up manifesting in your life. Think getting whacked by a 2×4.)

Honestly, it doesn’t have to wreak havoc in your life.

Thinking bigger, believing you can make a living doing what you love, mapping out a vision and stepping into your calling are all skills that you can learn, practice and master!

There ARE simple and proven tools you can use that will dismantle the blocks getting in the way so you can focus on your vision! There are strategies available that will help you to make an easy and smooth transition into the career and life you truly desire and deserve.

And, here’s a chance to discover these practical tools that over 28 world renowned entrepreneurs and experts have used to thrive in careers they love … for no cost!

Perhaps this is what you’ve been praying for…

We have all come together to serve you and empower you to uplevel!

If you’re feeling that nudge, I’d love to encourage you to take this opportunity.

It’s time. Join me:

It’s Time To Take Your Big Leap!


P.S. And you know what the best part is? This free 14-day event is designed to be SO simple and easy it can fit into even the most hectic schedule — In fact, in just 30 minutes a day you will learn 1 life-changing tool to help you take the leap in all areas of your life.

Change Your Life In Just 30 Minutes a Day



Camilla Kristiansen
Camilla Kristiansen

Written by Camilla Kristiansen

🌟Mentor for female freedom seekers. Author of 40+ books on Amazon. Podcast Host. Get your FREE gift:

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