How to monetize your content as a MF!
How to monetize your content as a MF!
Yes, you have a to be a content creator if you want to be seen and visible in this new online space. I got my first client for blogging and I don’t think that blogging is dead. You are reading this aren’t you? Well, you also have to create content daily and I can teach you how to get your message very easily out there on different platforms. This is how you monetize your content as a MF!
First of all be willing to create content daily. It dosen’t have etc be perfect, it dose’t have to be very clever just be willing to be consistent. More is always better than less. Ok?
So just have a plan that you will share one piece of content daily.
Then you take that pieces of content and share it all over the platforms that you are part of. If you are just on Facebook then get a grip? Are you serious with this business? When you could be FREE on all platforms , you choose to be only there? You are in it for the long haul right? Then you need to treat this business life a CEO that is on fire. This is going to be a profitable business, right? Then share your content on all platform. Don’t lay all your eggs in one basket.
Take this blog as an example. This blog will be share to my 39K followers on platform like; Facebook, Instagram,, my newsletter list, LinkeIn, Twitter etc. I am willing to take my time (or you cold hire some to do it) and share this so people get to see it. I am willing to get in front of more people that could be willing to get to know me, connect with me and hire me as their mentor. Get it?
This is super easy and this is the way to monetize your content as a MF.
When you are first starting out you have to be the one that does this. After a while you can have others do it for you, I still do it myself because no one works faster than me. I am super fast in everything that I do. I rather hire someone to do my graphic design that I know will take me tons of hours to make. (did that myself too in the beginning).
She who creates more content will win. She is bold, brave and she shows up even if she doen’t feel like it. She share her message when she is tired, feel flat out not good enough and she will do the job until it works. She takes care of her energy and focus on the feeling of being there, having that thing she says she wants.
So get to work and create content. Content is king and will never do you wrong.
PS: Want my help to build yours own coaching biz online and make money doing what you love? Sign up for a 30 minutes FREE Strategy Session here.