Do you know how powerful you are? Did you know that you can share what’s on your mind DAILY and get paid for it? Are you going all in with your message and gifts and show up like that bada$$ LEADER be both know deep down that you are? Or could it be that what’s holding you back right now is that you are scared to be a leader?
Not many people take the leading role in a company. As an entrepreneur you have to be a leader, you have to stand for things and you have to be the one that make the decisions that are both hard and easy.
Are you scared to be seen? Are you afraid to not be liked? Are your biggest fear that people will not like you? The most dangerous thing a human being can do is take the leading role. You can be hated, love, killed, people will throw rotten eggs at you, stalk you, follow you and then hate on you.
It’s a dangerous pathway to go on especially if you do this on your own and build a brand around who you are.
There will always be people that will not like you or love you. It’s ok.
Be ok with being a looser, a failure, a bada$$ that can stand up for what she believe in. Those who can’t stand up for something, will stand up for nothing when it comes to sharing their message.
Could it be that you are not where you want to be right now because you are scared of this? What will happen when you make tons of money and people will be jealous? What will your family say when you can pay everything and they feel that you will be spoiled? What will really happen if you say something to shake the world up and really stand for something?
Even if you feel powerful you also feel vulnerable. You long for success, but then again you hope that it will happen in silent. That someday someone will come and knock on your door and tell you that you have won the golden ticket to success.
To be a leader you have to stand alone. You have to stand up on the mountain top and look down on the others. It’s hard work and it can be scary.
The only way you can ever become that kick-ass woman you know you are deep inside, is to go all in with being who you are.
Speak your truth.
Stand against something.
Be bold.
Be brave.
Just don’t give a fuck about what others might think.
If they love you or hate you, it dosen’t matter. What matter is that you did YOU. All of you. You were that brave LEADER in your own biz. You did it because you knew that this was who you were.
So can you just DECIDE that you will be bolder, braver and STAND up for what you believe in? Even if they will hate you or love you or ignore you?
Go all in with being that LEADER now and look out for your revolution to come.
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