Are you living the wrong life?
Are you living the wrong life?
You only got one life and you are living it now. All those things you dreamt about as a little girl you can have but are you living your dream life now? Your parents wanted you to have it all, have success and be safe so they did what they have been told, to get you on the right pathway to be safe. Of course they wanted you to be happy too, but happiness dosent always mean living a life that is lulled in a safety net. Are you living the wrong life?
I think that most people know what their purpose is, and if they don’t know then they can start to live a life where they try out different things. I love people that working many jobs, try things out and just can’t seem to find peace. They will find peace because it’s in their pulse. When we slow down we know what we are meant to do. In my opinion there is only one life to live, the one where you feel happy. You can make money and be happy. You can be rich and happy. Rich people are very often the happiest ones, in my opinion.
What do you feel about your life right now? Are you living the wrong life? Are you just doing things that are expected of you or do you follow your passion, your bliss and try out different things that you have always dreamt about?
Most people are not willing to try to be the best version of themselves. You are not most people. You have alway know it. Maybe you did not have that good degrees in school, or maybe you were picked last in gymnastic (me!) and felt like a looser (still me!). I get it. I have never had an easy life, still I do whatever it takes to live my life to the fullest now.
After all this is the only life you get and you have no time to waste living the wrong life.
Want to start a business? Do it now.
Want to make money online and quit that boring job? Do it now.
Want to write your first book and get published as an author? Do it now.
You have no more time to waste to live a wrong life.
Wear your Chanel today. Drink your Prosecco this evening. Start that business NOW. Smile at yourself for taking action TODAY. Live the right life now and stop with being so afraid to live. YOLO as they say;-)
PS: Have you seen? My Summer success Bundle is back again! Get 5 of my newest online courses and start to take action toward your big dreams. Get back to work totally fulfilled with passion to go for your big dreams or finally let yourself have it all in your biz. Sign up now before this offer is gone.